現代漢語詞典(漢英雙語)(2002年增補本) 特色及評論本書的特點是宗旨明確、體例嚴密、收詞精當、注釋準確、舉例簡練。
現代漢語詞典(漢英雙語)(2002年增補本) 內容簡介本書以收錄規(guī)范的普通話詞語為主,兼收部分有生命力的文言詞語和方言,以及習見的百科詞條,共五萬六千余條,還附有插圖、示意圖和表格共48幅。
現代漢語詞典(漢英雙語)(2002年增補本) 本書前言序 根據一個母本翻譯的雙解詞典首先要有一個好的母本,《現代漢語詞典》是一部高質量的好詞典,問世以來受到廣大讀者的歡迎,已經發(fā)行近4,000萬冊,產生了很大的社會影響。它的特點是宗旨明確、體例嚴密、收詞精當、注釋準確、舉例簡練。現在外研社組織人力將它譯成英文,出版漢英雙語版,這是我國漢英類詞典出版業(yè)的一件大事。A good bilingual dictionary is based on translation from one language tO another and thus calls for a good dictionary in the mother tongue.The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary is such a dictionary,having been well received by a wide range Of readers since its publication.With all overall distribution of nearly 40 million copies,itS social influence can hardly be overestimated,The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary is characterized by its well-designed goals,impeccable format,felicitous selection Ofenmes, accuratedefinitions,and Concise examples.By organizing the translation ofthis dictionary into English and publishing it in a bilingual format,Foreign language Teaching and Research Press has made an originative contribution tO the publication Of Chinese-English dictionaries in China. 《現漢》是在國務院的指示下,遵照“推廣普通話,促進漢語規(guī)范化”宗旨而編寫的,它是一部現代漢語的規(guī)范詞典。詞語的規(guī)范化一般不能用行政命令的方式來實現,編纂高質量的詞典是實現詞語規(guī)范化的重要途徑。高質量的詞典編纂需要建立在科學研究的基礎上,編纂者必須從現代漢語的語言事實出發(fā),掌握第一手的資料,并且運用先進的語言學理論為指導。在前輩語言學大師呂叔湘先生、丁聲樹先生的主持下,一支一流的詞典編纂隊伍長期堅持工作,收集資料卡片上百萬張,加上全面、認真的分析和綜合,工作的繁雜和辛苦是難以想象的。辛勤的耕耘才換來豐碩的成果,這和當今許多詞典粗制濫造、拼拼湊湊、甚至抄襲剽竊的做法形成何等鮮明的對照!The Con―temporary Chinese Dictionary has been compiled at the request Of the State Council tO promotethe popularization Of puton4ghua, It serves as the standard dictionary Or contemporary Ghineselanguage usage. Standardization Of a vocabulary cannot be achieved through administrative ORders.Instead,the compilation Of high-quality dictionaries on the basisOf scientific research is antmportant means tO reach this goal.h the instance Of Chinese dictionaries,the lexicographersmust obtain first-hand data on.contemporary Chinese usage and organize it within theframeworkOfadvancedlinguistic theories. The late linguists LFI Shuxiang and Ding Shengshu initiated theworkon TheContemporary Chinese Dictionary, which has been carried on by ateamOffirst-class lexicographers over many years.Their efforts are embodied in more than one million indexcards ofdata,and theirintensive intellectual processing ofthe plethora Ofdata eventually culmi―nated in TheContemporary Chinese Dictionary,which was the first and still remains the bestOfits kind.Their diligence stands in sharp contrast with certmn current practices that churn outdictionaries ofpoor qualiWO,even plagiarize the work ofothers.……
現代漢語詞典(漢英雙語)(2002年增補本) 本書目錄序Preface漢英雙語版前言Preface to the Chinese-English Edition(中文版)前言Introduction(中文版)修訂說明Notes on the Revised Chinese Edition(中文版)凡例Guide to Using the Dictionary音節(jié)表Phonetic Guide……